Product Code: LPK-308

SMITH DEFENSE - AR-308 Lower Parts Kit

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Smith Defense brings you a quintessential mil-spec AR-308 complete lower parts kit for your lower receiver that includes a standard trigger fire control unit and an A2 style pistol grip. Your AR-308 is only as good as the parts you put into it so count on us to deliver the best parts kits on the market that contain only components that meet all mil-spec quality specifications. Give your next build a foundation of proven reliability and long-lasting durability with our complete lower parts kit that has everything you will need to turn your stripped lower receiver into a hard-use-ready functional piece of hardware.

Complete Your AR-308 Build Quickly

Now get all the parts you need and finish building your AR-308 lower receiver quickly and easily by ordering this basic mil-spec AR-308 complete lower parts kit along with a buffer tube kit

31-piece AR-308 Lower Parts Kit includes:

31-piece ar-308 lower parts kit

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Whether for hunting, target shooting, or self-defense, we offer the perfect choice for any shooter to start a custom build. This lower parts kit combines excellent performance with an affordable price in a way you have come to know and expect from us. Every piece is manufactured to exacting standards for maximum compatibility with a variety of lower receivers and to ensure each is easy to install. For fit and finish, sear surfaces are ground then polished and everything is protected by an anti-corrosion coating as well as a lifetime warranty. Avoid lesser grade kits produced overseas and start your build right, right from the start.