Best AR10 Triggers
Sometimes it seems that the AR-10 can get lost in the hubbub about its brother - the AR-15. The reality however, is that the AR10 is beloved across the spectrum of shooters, from military to law enforcement, to long range enthusiasts to hunters, the AR10 is an incredibly versatile gun!
The AR10 platform is also, as are all AR platform guns, some of the most modular weapons’ systems on the planet. Being chambered in .308 Winchester, the AR10 packs a serious punch and has a far greater useful range than its 5.56mm baby brother. Let’s take a look at one of the best upgrades that can be done to the gun - an AR10 trigger upgrade.
Photo Credit: Military Times
Are Upgraded AR Triggers Worth it?

Wilson Combat Paul Howe 2-Stage Trigger - Photo Credit: Cheaper Than Dirt
Simply put - a bad trigger makes it harder to shoot. An AR10 trigger that feels mushy and grainy out of the box can create the frustration of an unpredictable break. Upgrading your AR10 trigger can truly make our gun feel and shoot better! Confidence is key when it comes to shooting consistently and the trigger is a big part of that. Remember that an AR10 trigger is not just a trigger - it’s the direct interface that we use to fire the weapon.
If our AR10 trigger breaks reliably every time the gun will be easier to shoot and feel smooth. Knowing when the trigger is going to break allows us to control our gun better as well, without worrying about jerking the trigger, resulting in increased accuracy. So, is upgrading an AR 10 trigger worth it? In our book, absolutely!
What is a Drop In Trigger?
An AR10 drop in trigger is a preassembled trigger system that can be - you guessed it - dropped into the gun in place of the existing AR10 trigger. Usually an AR-10 drop in trigger will require minimal gunsmithing so it’s something that can be handled by anyone that is a bit handy with a few tools.
When we go to upgrade our AR 10 trigger the first thing we will need to identify is what type of AR10 drop in trigger we prefer! Let’s take a look at the two most common types of AR10 drop-in triggers.
What is a Single Stage Trigger?
A single stage AR10 drop in trigger essentially will have no slack or trigger “creep”. With no slack the sear is engaged immediately as the trigger is pulled. These AR10 triggers will be very fast and reliable - no guesswork here. For this reason many competition and long range PRS shooters prefer single stage AR10 triggers. No guesswork, no mush, just a solid, crisp pull every time with minimal effort.
What is a Two Stage Trigger?
A two stage AR10 drop-in trigger is a bit different than a single-stage. The main difference is that a two stage AR10 trigger will have some creep before the trigger reaches the wall and breaks. Typically, AR10 users would prefer to opt for the Single stage triggers so that there is less room for error, especially when shooting at far distance targets.
What is the Best Trigger for an AR-10?
Many manufacturers of triggers are out there so which one should we use for an AR10 trigger upgrade? Always look for reputable manufacturers and remember that we don’t want to skimp on an upgrade. The AR10 trigger upgrade is a very important part of the gun so buy right the first time! Some of our favorite AR 10 drop in trigger manufacturers are:
- TriggerTech
- Geissele
- Timney
Of course, there are other trigger manufacturers out there that make great products - these are just some of our favorites. Always make sure to check out the background and reputation of the company before buying their parts!
Geissele Super Tricon Curved Trigger - Photo Credit: Omaha Outdoors
Will AR-15 Triggers work in an AR-10?
This question requires a bit of a complicated answer. While most AR15 triggers will fit in an AR10 some will not reliably perform. The reason for this is that .308 Winchester primers require more energy to ignite than 5.56mm/.223 Remington. Reliability can be a concern in these cases.
Luckily, several companies make AR10 drop-in triggers that will work in both guns. We should try to find an AR10 trigger that is specific to the gun - or at least one that is rated properly for both guns. Remember that the AR10 drop in trigger is one of the most important upgrades we can do to our gun so buy the right trigger!
Does Upgrading an AR10 Trigger Improve Accuracy?
Short answer - yes, upgrading your AR10 trigger will improve accuracy. A lighter trigger with a better reset and crisper break allows for more accurate follow up shots as well. Having a great trigger that is consistent allows us to take the guesswork out of everything. Wondering when the trigger is going to break every time can take our mind off what we should be focused on - our target.
Knowing when our AR10 trigger breaks consistently allows us to focus on other aspects of our shooting. Stance, breathing etc. Training with our AR10 setup is the way we grow as a shooters and become proficient with our weapons.
Build Your Next AR10 w/ 5D Tactical!
A lot of the terms you’ll see here in this blog are strictly generic because the reality is that all aftermarket drop-in AR15 triggers are directly compatible with AR10 lower receivers. The only time these triggers are not cross compatible are when you compare the Mil-spec trigger for each one. The AR10 version is larger and wouldn't properly fit in the smaller AR15 trigger pocket of its lower. So if you’ve got a favorite AR15 trigger, chances are that it will work for your AR10 build as well.