2011 Pistols - Worth the Hype? thumbnail image

2011 Pistols - Worth the Hype?

5D Tactical - 16th Nov 2022

In this world of influencers and incredible shooters, it can be difficult at times to figure out who is legitimate. Who is being paid and who is giving us legitimate reviews of the gun? For this reason, it might seem like every new development on older technology can be nothing but a cash grab. Are you wrong for thinking this? Well, let's talk about that.

Sometimes new firearms come through the industry that are simply nothing but modern takes on older weapons and are those wrong? The 1911 has served through TWO entire world wars, so how could it PoSSiBlY be bEtTer? Friends, it has definitely gotten better. For the competitors that only use 1911's you'll seldom see a stock 1911 being used. They're typically decked out with compensators, large mag wells, red dot sights, extended magazines and more — we definitely didn't have those parts in any of our world wars.

When it comes to improving on the 1911 design, one company stands out above the rest and that's Staccato, previously it was branded as "STI." But what is a 2011 pistol? Which one wins in the 1911 vs 2011 matchup? Let’s take a look!


What is a 2011 Pistol?

Simply put, a 2011 pistol is a modernized update of the 1911. 2011 style pistols do not only belong to the Staccato brand, other companies have also come out with their own version such as Rock Island Armory or Springfield. The features that a 2011 style pistol must have include being able to house a double-stack, 9mm magazine, be hammer-fired, have a manual safety along with a pressure grip safety. 

Most of us are familiar with the 19911 - "Two World Wars after all!"  The 1911 is a single stack, hammer-fired handgun that is usually chambered in .45 ACP. While Staccato may hold the trademark for 2011, it is now used as a more generic term for modernized, 9mm handguns based on the 1911.

That's not to say that they're only chambered in 9mm. If you look at  Infinity pistols, they also utilize the 2011 style of design and are often chambered in .40cal.

Keep in mind that 2011 pistols come in plenty of size configurations - including race guns (competition shooting pistols), duty-sized guns and even a 2011 compact pistol!

Difference Between a 1911 and 2011 Pistols

The 1911 is an incredibly proven and reliable platform - one that has remained largely unchanged since its inception, so why do we need to change it? Simply put - the 1911 does have a few cons that can arguably hold it back from being an option for many people in the modern gun world. Those looking at the 1911 vs 2011 might find the 1911 leaving a bit to be desired. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons a 2011 might be a better option than a 1911 these days:

  • Chambered in 9mm, easier to handle than .45ACP
  • Double stack magazines for extra ammo capacity, 1911's were only single stack typically housing 7 rounds
  • Lower recoil

Who Makes 2011 Pistols?

So who makes 2011 pistols? Luckily for us there are plenty of great options! Who makes the best 2011 pistol will be subjective remember! Some great companies out there are making 2011 pistols! Some companies to check out:

  • Staccato 2011 (Previously STI)
  • Alpha Foxtrot (one of the previous STI owners)
  • Rock Island Armory
  • Atlas Gunworks
  • Accuracy X
  • Taran Tactical
  • Bull Armory
  • Masterpiece Arms
  • Springfield

Keep in mind a 2011 9mm pistol will be much more expensive in general. For this reason the striker fired vs. hammer fired debate of whether or not the 2011 will always rage on! For the same reason there will always be a debate about the 1911 vs 2011 - most 2011s are pricey, costing at least $2500. 

Hammer-Fired Vs. Striker-Fired

As mentioned above - the 2011 is a hammer-fired pistol, so what’s the difference between striker fired vs hammer fired guns? Hammer fired guns have a spring-powered weight at the back of the gun called the hammer. When the shooter squeezes the trigger, the hammer drops and hits the firing pin, which hits the primer and makes the shot. Hammer-fired guns are often more expensive, have manual thumb safeties and are usually heavy - being made up of more metal than composite materials.

Conversely, a striker-fired gun might not have a manual safety - instead opting for a trigger safety. Striker fired guns consist of a striker and a spring. When the trigger is squeezed the energy stored in the spring shoves the striker forward, striking the primer. Most modern polymer-framed guns are striker fired.

While there are certainly subjective pros/cons of both firing systems, most shooters tend to carry striker-fired guns for concealed carry due to them being lighter and most newer shooters prefer the ease of operation of striker fired vs hammer fired as they have less parts of the gun to manipulate.

2011 Pistol Triggers

One thing that is usually undisputed when it comes to striker fired vs hammer fired guns is that hammer fired guns usually have exceptionally nice triggers - the 2011 trigger is no exception to that. 2011 triggers are usually known for being tight, crisp, lightweight and will have an extremely short reset with no take up. This paired with the extra weight of a 2011 are a couple reasons we notice more and more 2011 pistols being used in competition. It’s honestly pretty hard to beat a 2011 trigger.

Is a 2011 Pistol Worth It?

So, 2011 vs 1911. Is a 2011 pistol worth it? Well, that is entirely subjective! Yes, the newer versions of the 1911 have a greater capacity, great trigger and being chambered in 9mm, are easier to shoot than .45 ACP. A 2011 compact pistol makes a great concealed carry gun as well! Staccato actually just came up with the CS model to answer the demand for a new generation of subcompact guns that house more round capacity such as the Springfield Hellcat, Glock 43X or the Sig Sauer P365 XMacro. 

It's undeniable that 2011 pistols shoot extremely soft, flat and well. The real question is, can you afford it? Most gun guys don't only own one pistol and the price of any 2011 handgun will usually equate the cost of multiple other guns you could have bought. So that's a major factor to consider, your budget. If money is no object, we'd say yes! 2011s are so worth it. You essentially don't need to work on these guns at all or even modify them, save for adding an optic. 

We hope this helped shed a bit of light on the 1911 vs 2011 debate - as well as the 2011 9mm pistol in general! While the 2011 pistol might be an excellent choice for many shooters, though the price tag might scare away many. 

If you still want a custom gun but think you’d prefer a striker fired one — Why not check out the GST-9 MOD 1 and build your own perfect custom handgun at a fraction of the price! Thanks for hanging out with your friends here at 5D Tactical, until next time!